You might just need more help than anyone else.
Does Your Broker or Insurance Company Really Give You The Real Deal?
You may not know it, but you have an ACA plan. All plans that can be called “health insurance” must meet ACA standards. Most of them that you buy from insurance companies or brokers are the same plans offered through the exchanges. Brokers are paid through the insurance companies, so even if they are honest, they always have a personal interest. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use them, just keep that in mind. Health insurance is really not that different from life insurance when sold through a broker.
#1 Tip: Just because you have insurance there is no rule that you have to use it. With that high deductible, you will probably pay the same price no matter which doctor you see, so go ahead and see one you want and just pay cash if there isn’t a good one in your network.
Here are some resources that can help:
It isn’t easy, we know.
It’s Time to Take Control.
Health insurance companies, drug companies, physician lobbyists, testing companies, hospitals, private surgical facilities, and device manufacturers (just to start) all want a piece of that sweet healthcare $$. Your local doctor is still your best health resource, but they may be helpless in the face of this tsunami of expenses. It’s time to take control by seeing the whole picture and planning accordingly.